

I just edited my previous post because...
I got thinking about watermarking my stuff...

The thing is.. I'm not really a serious artist..or am I?..
so I'm not really sure whether I should post it with a watermark or not..

well anyhow..I did it already..
and there's no harm done anyways...
so yeah..

I just want to post the before after picture of my hair from my blackmac photobooth.

Before.. (with the nike ardila hair style)

I just had to post this in...Image source: here
She's Nike Ardila...Indonesia's long lost 90's singer.. she died in a car accident..err..yeah..
and this..is the..


kinda remind you of Chaterine Zeta Jones in Chicago, yes?
Image source: here


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Using an image watermark is not about whether you are serious artist or not.
    It's about whether or not you care where your photos end up and what happens to them online.
    See "8 questions to ask yourself before sharing images online." http://www.thebatchwatermarks.com/blog/2010/05/29/8-questions-to-ask-yourself-before-sharing-images-online/


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